Sneaker shoes and arrows pointing in different directions on asphalt ground, choice concept

Do you struggle to create the wealth you want?

If your goals and beliefs aren’t aligned, you won’t achieve your goal. Maybe you want to get fit and believe that you have a slow metabolism or aren’t athletic. If so, you will struggle to reach your goal. If you want a relationship and believe that you don’t deserve to be loved, you will struggle to find the relationship you want. Maybe you want wealth and you believe that wealth is scarce and that wealthy people are bad or greedy. If so, you will struggle to create the wealth you want. If reaching your goal puts you out of alignment with your deepest beliefs, you will continually sabotage yourself and prevent yourself from moving forward. You must align your beliefs with your desires to create wealth.

Conflicting beliefs keep you stuck

If you are struggling to create the wealth you want, take a deep look at your beliefs about wealth. Do you believe that by creating wealth in your life, you are taking from others? I believe that creating wealth for yourself allows you to serve others. The best way to create wealth is to serve others. Do you believe that wealthy people are bad or greedy or that money is the root of all evil? I believe that money is a tool that allows you to serve at a higher level. I believe that having more wealth doesn’t make you a bad person, it just amplifies who you really are. Bad people with more money can do more bad and good people with money can do more good.

Align your beliefs with your goals

When you create alignment between your goals and your beliefs, you will naturally take actions that move you closer to the vision you have for your life. Results come from taking action. Conflicting beliefs stop you from taking action and making progress on your goals. Focus on your vision, align your desires and beliefs and follow what brings your joy. This will put you on the right path to reach your goals. You will find clues along the way. When you follow the joy, it is a clue that you are on the right path. When you are on the right path, you will naturally connect with the things you want in life. When you start connecting with what you desire that is another clue. Your goals and desires will start to show up for you naturally and effortlessly when you are aligned and focused on your vision.

Wealth amplifies who you really are

If you wants to improve the world, then creating wealth in your own life will allow you to improve the lives of others. The truth is that if we want to make the world a better place. We need to empower more good people to create wealth. This will allow them to serve at a higher level and create the change that we need in the world. Creating wealth isn’t about deserving to be wealthy, it’s about serving others at a higher level. The best way to create wealth is to help others get what they want. Create a business around a product or service that solves a problem for others. When you serve others, wealth begins to flow back to you. You just need to serve as many people as possible to create wealth in your own life. It’s a win-win.

Identify and challenge your conflicting beliefs

If you are struggling to create the wealth you want, take some time to identify any limiting beliefs you have around money and challenge them. Really think about the deep beliefs you have around wealth and money. You might not even realize you have them. They can be hiding in plain sight. What do you think about money? How do you feel about people with money? What do you believe it take to become wealthy? Do you have to become something you are not or become a person that you won’t like? Take time to think about these beliefs and question where they came from. Are they really true? Is there a deeper truth that is aligned with what you truly want? A belief that could empower you to reach your goal? You must align your beliefs with your desires to create wealth. This can be a powerful exercise.

Focus on your vision and set out on your path

Create alignment between what you truly want and your beliefs around what you want.  I believe that when you want something at a deep level, there is a reason. That desire is there to guide you on your path to become the person you are meant to be. To serve the people you are meant to serve. The people that you are here to serve need you to be successful. Your success means that they will benefit from the gifts that you are here to develop and share. I believe that when you improve the quality of your life, you create a ripple effect. This ripple effect improves the lives of everyone around you. I believe that you can create empowering beliefs around wealth that will help you reach your goals and serve other at a higher level.

How to create a business around your calling

I used to think that we all had to choose between following our heart and our head. If you choose to follow your head, you will have some success but limited fulfillment. If you follow your heart, you will have limited success and deeper fulfillment. Now I believe in following your instincts. Confront the fears that come up when you do that and pursue your natural instincts. Develop your skills in those areas to the point of excellence. If you do this well, you can achieve success and fulfillment. I recommend finding entrepreneurial education that allows and encourages you to share your message with the world and serve the people that you feel called to serve. You must find a way to align your beliefs with your desires to create wealth. The best training that I have found is the Entre Blueprint. You can learn more at the link below.

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Stock exchange market concept, businesswoman hand trader press digital tablet with graphs analysis candle line on table in office, diagrams on screen.

Types of Digital Assets

You have probably heard the term digital assets or digital real estate, but what exactly does that mean? Digital assets or digital real estate can be a website, blog, social media pages, email lists, an ebook, digital course, sales funnels, ads, etc. These are assets that you can create and build online that can create recurring revenue. These assets can fall into different categories. They can be digital products that can be sold, sources of traffic, methods of converting traffic into leads or sales or even just a means of building your audience and establishing a good relationship with them.

The most valuable asset you can create

Ultimately, the most valuable asset you can create is the audience you build and the relationship you have with them. This audience could be represented by an email list, subscribers to a YouTube channel or any social media following. The value comes from being known as someone with specific knowledge in a certain area who cares about your audience. When you’re know for being an expert or authority on something and people know that you care about them, they are more likely to listen and take your recommendations seriously. This allows you to have influence. The first step in building this audience is to get clear about the problem you want to solve and who you want to solve it for.

The problem you want to solve for

People buy products to solve problems. They might want to improve their health and know that some products will help, but aren’t sure what to buy. If you have knowledge or expertise in that area, you can help educate them and share recommendations that can help them make a better decision and find a good solution to their problem. Any product or service that you offer will have some combination of features and benefits. By understanding the problem that your audience is struggling with, knowing the best options for them and taking the time to understand their specific situation, you are able to help them make a better decision.

The audience you want to help

It’s important to know the audience that you want to help so that you can help them more effectively. By taking the time to get to know your audience, you are able to create content that will allow you to connect with them and provide better solutions to them. A single mom in her 30’s and a man in his 60’s will have different needs, issues and concerns. If you were to talk to them directly, you might make different recommendations based on their unique situations. When you can create a marketing campaign around a specific problem that a specific group of people face, you are better able to connect with and help that specific group of people with that specific problem.

Strategy for building your audience

The overall strategy for building your audience is to share your message consistently with your target audience. You will want to establish authority and rapport in your area of focus and with your specific audience. You can do both at the same time by sharing your struggles with the problem you want to address and how you are solving that problem for yourself. If your niche is weight loss, you might share how you struggled to lose weight for a long time, the pain and frustration you endured because of it and the methods you used to make progress. You can do this for any problem you want to solve. When you share the elements of your story that are relevant, it builds a connection with your audience. By telling them about what you have tried, what works and what doesn’t work, you are able to help educate about potential solutions and make better recommendations.

Tactics for building your audience

Once you establish your strategy to build a specific audience and create a good relationship with them, you can go about this using different tactics. You can start building an email list. There are different ways to build an email list. You can build this list by creating ads that speak to your audience and the issue you are trying to help them solve. If you do this right, they will want to share their email with you so they can learn more. This is a paid traffic strategy that can be very effective if you have the budget for it.

Paid vs Organic traffic

You can also build your list using organic traffic. When you create valuable content, such as a blog, video, newsletter, ebook, etc. your audience may find your content online and choose to subscribe to you channel, email list, etc. The benefit of this is that they are finding you and seeing your content. This makes you more of an authority from their perspective. The downside is that it can take a lot of content to begin to attract a large audience. Paid traffic can grow your audience more quickly, but the people who find you this way are considered ‘cold’ leads since they haven’t had time to get to know you.

Get to know your audience

The tactics you use might be specific to your audience and your area of focus. Taking the time to learn about your audience will help you to decide to best way to reach them and connect with them. Chances are that your audience will be like you so you can start by thinking about your own struggles and how you have overcome them. You will want to consider which social media sites your audience prefers, the cultural references they will relate to, the types of products and brands they like and what their interests are. When you have a good marketing approach, you will filter out all the people who are not a good fit and only allow in the people who you are able to relate to and serve.

Be yourself, serve the people you want to help

The best part of this approach is that you get to be yourself. You get to create an asset that is based on who you are, the problems you want to solve and the people you want to help. You may hear people talk about how much competition there is online, but there is no competition to be you. You are the person who is most qualified and capable of being you. When you focus on just being yourself and helping people that you care about to solve a problem that is important to you, you don’t have to worry about competition. You just need to focus on building an audience. When you share your struggle with the problem they face, what you have learned and how you are working to solve that problem, you can build an audience that you have rapport with and who you are uniquely qualified to help.

What to do next

The most important thing is to decide that you want to help people that you care about to solve a problem. You don’t have to be an expert, yet. You will become an expert as you begin to learn and share about this problem. By learning and sharing with others about this problem, you will naturally grow your audience. By following your natural inclinations, focusing on them, doing the work and taking the time to become an expert, you have the greatest opportunity to find fulfillment and success.

Realize that you have an opportunity to help the people you want to help with a problem that is important to you. The more people you help the more successful, you will become. You can learn more about creating online assets from many different sources. The best source that I have found is the Entre Institute. Their introductory course, the Entre Blueprint, will help you understand the fundamentals of online business so that you can make a better decision about your next steps going forward. You can apply at the link below.

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E-learning online education or internet encyclopedia concept. Open laptop and book compilation in a classroom. 3d illustration

Recently someone asked me, ‘how do you find a balance between learning and taking action in your business?’ This is something that I used to struggle with. My thinking on this subject has shifted completely. I used to think that knowledge was power and that the way to become successful was to learn as much as possible. For years, I spent so much time trying to learn everything I could about business, reading books, taking classes. The problem was that I wasn’t taking action. I was afraid to take action because I was afraid of failing, so I focused on learning, but results come from taking action.


Results come from taking action


The truth is that you can only get results by taking action. You can spend all the time in the world learning about an investment, but you won’t see results until you actually invest. It’s important to do your due diligence, but at some point you need to take action. Either invest or decide not to and find a new opportunity. You can think about your next step, strategize it, plan it, etc. But you won’t move forward until you actually take the step. It might be the wrong step, but taking your next step is critical to making progress and getting results. If you listen to anyone who is successful, they will often say, ‘I’ve made every mistake’. They are successful because of their mistakes, not in spite of them.

Overeducated underachiever


When you focus on learning and never take action, you become an overeducated underachiever. You become someone who knows a lot, but doesn’t have the results to show for it. We have been conditioned to believe that ‘knowledge is power’. This may have been more true when knowledge was scarce and hard to come by. Now we have access to more information than ever. The real power comes from finding the specific knowledge you need and taking action. Knowledge is only power when it enables you to take specific actions to get the results you want. You can learn all you want, but results come from taking action.


Prioritize Action over Learning


This might sound backwards to many people, but the truth is that you should focus on learning things that will allow you to take better actions to get the results you want. Don’t just learn for the sake of learning. Focus on learning the specific skills and strategies you need to get the result you want. It all starts with figuring out what you want, coming up with a plan to get what you want and then taking action. Many people just gain knowledge without having a good reason to gain it and without ever implementing the knowledge they acquire.


Failure is the best teacher


If you want a specific result in life; to lose weight, start a business, find a life partner, etc. It is better to take the wrong action than to spend all your time trying to learn about what to do. The action you take won’t be a random action and you aren’t trying to make a mistake. You are taking action based on your own intuition or someone else’s advice. You will find that there is a gap between your understanding of the situation and your knowledge about what to do. The only way to close that gap is to try something, notice the result and they adjust your approach. You must fail first in order to get the result you want. The fear of failure is what stops people from taking action. They focus on learning as a way to procrastinate taking action.


Fail forward


The only way to make progress is to take action. By taking action, you learn what actually works and what doesn’t work. Learning can help you to take better actions and to be more effective, but knowledge without action is just trivia. I used to love trivia. I loved knowing random things, but after knowing a lot and not getting results, my focus now is on taking action. I still love to learn, but I try to be more strategic in my learning and embrace mistakes. The key is to learn from your mistakes. Often you learn so much more from your own mistakes than from books. Books are incredibly valuable, they allow us to learn from other people’s mistakes, but the power and desired results come from taking action.


Take some action today


If you want to start your own business, the most important thing is to take action. If you already know what you need to do, then stop procrastinating and take action. If you aren’t sure what to do, start by thinking about what you want. What is the outcome you are looking for? What specific knowledge do you need to get that outcome. Where can you get that specific knowledge? What action can you take right now? If you aren’t sure where to start, then find a good training program. The best program that I have found is the Entre Blueprint. It will give you a better understanding of the best options available today and the best knowledge and skills to focus on. You can apply below.


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When I first started marketing, it felt like a chore. It was something I had to do, that I didn’t really want to do. I felt like my Marketing budget was a drain on my revenue, but I didn’t really have a choice. I had to do it. To me sales was a despicable task. Something that nobody wanted to do. My attitude was, ‘here is my product, here is what I do, take it or leave it’. Over the years of being a business owner, my mindset around Marketing and Sales has completely shifted. Sales and Marketing for your business are critical things to consider.

Marketing is just a filter

Filter out the people who aren’t in your core audience

The point of marketing is just to filter out all the people who are not your target audience and filter in the people who are in your target audience. You don’t want to try to work with everyone, it’s exhausting and it won’t work. What you want to do is to filter down to your core audience as quickly and efficiently as possible. Trying to follow up with people who are not in your core audience will deplete your soul.

Filter in the people in your core audience

Having meaningful conversations with your core audience will enliven and replenish you like nothing else. This is why we get into business, so we can help the people that our product or service is intended to serve. Good marketing will make it very clear to the public if your offer is speaking to them or not. For those who your message doesn’t speak to, they probably won’t even notice your ad. For those who your ad is written for, it should feel like your ad is speaking directly to them.

Focusing on your ideal customer

The best way to filter in your core audience is to get very clear about who your core audience is. Who are the people you are trying to serve? What are their fears, frustrations, goals, desires, etc.? When you have a very clear customer Avatar defined, when you know the problems they face and that you have a potential solution for them, you can target you messaging to them effectively. You can create messages that ‘speak’ to them and that will respond to.

Sales is about facilitating decision making

Sales gets a bad wrap

Many people have a negative association to sales, I know I did. It wasn’t until I met really good salespeople that I began to appreciate to value of a good salesperson. A good sales professional isn’t pushy and doesn’t pressure you. They are very knowledgeable about their product or service as well as their competitor’s offerings. Sales professionals take the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation. They don’t pester you, but they do make sure to be available if you need anything.

The power of a good sales professional

It wasn’t until I met really good sales people that I began to understand this. I felt a natural disinclination to them, but the more I spoke to them and asked questions, the more I began to appreciate their knowledge and perspective. The knowledge that a good salesperson has along with taking the time to learn about your unique situation allows them to be uniquely qualified to help you make a better decision. You might think that they are biased because they want you to buy. That is a factor to consider. But also consider that they don’t want dissatisfied customers, it isn’t good for their business to sell things to people who don’t want them. They don’t want you to buy unless their product or service is a good fit for you. Their goal is for you to be thrilled with your buying decision.

Facilitating decision making

We buy things to solve problems. You might need a car to solve a problem you, the car might actually solve several problems. It’s a big decision to make, it’s expensive and their are a lot of factors to consider. Your decision will be informed by your specific situation. Is the car just for you or for your family. What will be the main use of the car? How much can you afford? A good salesperson will take the time to get to know you. They will help you understand all the factors you need to consider so that you can make the best decision for you.

The core of your business

Sales and Marketing for your business are core things to consider. They are the areas you need to focus on in order to grow your business. Understanding how marketing works is critical to creating effective marketing. You need to be very clear on who your audience and how your product or service addresses the problems they face. Once you have identified your core audience and your ideal client, you will want to ‘get to know them’ as well as possible. You want to understand as much as you can about them.

Want to Learn More?

If you want to learn more about sales and marketing for your business, there are lots of good books and training available. The best training that I have found so far is the Entre Blueprint. This training will help you to understand the landscape of online business and discern the best path forward for you. The training will help you understand if online business is a good option for you, which type of business you should pursue and what your next steps should be. Is is a very powerful training. You can apply at the link below.

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Are investing in someone else’s dream

When you invest in stocks, you are investing in someone else’s dream. Someone else had a dream and built a business. They decided to sell shares in their business. There is nothing wrong with investing in stocks and the dreams that other’s are building, it can be a great investment. But why not invest in yourself as well? Do you have a dream that you want to build? Is there some vision you have of a future that you can create and the person that you can become? Why not invest in yourself and to create that vision? Invest in your vision.

Are you building someone else’s dream?

Getting a job can be a great thing to do. You can learn skills, build your network, save money to invest, etc. It’s important to realize that when you work for someone else you are helping them to build their dream. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you can find someone with a dream bigger than your own that is aligned with your vision and values, then working for them can be a great thing to do. But not work work on building your dream as well?

Invest in yourself

I still remember the first course I bought that changed my thinking about investing in myself. I had already been running my own business for a few years. Things were going ok, but I knew that I needed something to help me break through to the next level. I wasn’t sure what to do, I had already read a lot of books and taken some courses. At a seminar that I was lucky enough to attend, the speaker was offering his course at a discount. He was actually really good and I knew the course would help me. I knew I needed something, but wasn’t prepared to make a decision that day. He was offering his course for $2,000. I agonized over that investment. I told myself he was charging too much. It wouldn’t be worth it, but I had to do something.

Build your dream

I bought the course and immediately had buyers remorse. Why did it cost so much? Would it really be worth it? Was I a sucker for buying it? I started the home study course the next week and was skeptical at first. I watched the first lesson and thought, duh, nothing earth shattering here. But as the course progressed, I slowly noticed that my thinking was starting to change. I was starting to see real value in what he was sharing. I also realized that when I told myself that the course wasn’t worth the investment, what I was really saying was that I wasn’t worth the investment.

You are worth it

It’s very important to save your money and invest it in a diversified portfolio, but realize that investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. When you improve your skills and mindset, it will pay dividends in every aspect of your life. When you level up your game, you become more valuable. You are worth the investment. Imagine if you owned a thoroughbred race horse. Would you let anybody train it and ride it or would you hire the best trainer and jockey you could find? Would you feed it cheap food or the best food you could afford? Why wouldn’t you get the best training and nourishment for yourself? You are worth the investment, invest in your vision.

How to invest in yourself

You can invest in yourself in a lot of different ways. The most fundamental way is to have faith in your own intuition an honor your inner voice. Follow your natural inclinations and allow yourself to explore areas that interest you even if you don’t fully understand the benefit of pursuing those areas.


One of the best things you can do is to read everyday. I struggled with reading for a long time because in school, I felt forced to read books that I didn’t want to read. It took me a long time to begin to enjoy reading. Once I understood the power of reading and found mentors who recommended good books, I began to devour books. Very talented and successful people share a lifetime’s worth of insights and learning in their books. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn.

Invest in courses and seminars

Once of the most powerful ways to invest in yourself is to learn from others. I used to try to figure out everything on my own and do it all myself. This is an immature approach to life. Life is a team sport. Other people have gone before us and spent their lives learning about things that we can benefit from. We can pay if forward when we share what we learn with others. The extra benefit of attending courses and seminars is that you can meet other people with similar interests and expand your network.

Find a coach or mentor

It took me a long time to appreciate the power of working with a coach or mentor. For a long time, I couldn’t find mentors or was afraid to ask for help. I wanted coaching, but I struggled with the cost of paying for coaching. Once I understood the power of coaching and investing in myself, I began to seek out coaches to help me learn, take action and get to the next level. I have worked with several coaches over the years and enjoy coaching others. Hiring a coach is a great way to invest in your vision.

Give yourself space to grow

It’s important to realize that you have incredible potential that needs to be developed. Your potential must be cultivated over time by challenging yourself, making mistakes and giving yourself time to grow. Learn to embrace the struggle and be patient with yourself. It’s natural to have a vision of what your capable of that if far beyond where you are now. That’s ok. Give yourself space to grow. Challenge yourself, pursue big scary goals and try to enjoy the journey.

A place to start

If you would like to invest in your vision and learn about starting your own business, check out the link below. The Entre Blueprint training is the best training that I have found for anyone who is looking to level up their game and get into online business. This introductory course is very valuable in and of itself. If you are interested in continuing on the path, you will find options to do that as well. Check out the link below to apply.

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jack russell dog on a call center using the phone or telephone and computer pc keyboard , isolated on white background

We love to buy, but we hate to be ‘sold’

People love to buy, but they hate to be sold. We have a tendency to call the process of selling things sales. The truth is that a sale is the just one possible outcome in the process. The process of conducting business is about serving not selling. When someone wants to buy something, it’s often because they have a problem they need to solve. They may not even be aware that they have a problem. Your job is to help them understand the problem, understand their options and help them to make the best decision.

Know, Like & Trust

Sales has a negative connotation because at some point, we have all felt some pressure to buy something. Maybe someone tried to close a sale that we weren’t ready to make and it left us nervous about entering into sales conversations. After that experience, we felt a loss of power or control over our decisions in certain situations. Your ability to make your own decisions is a right that we hold dear, but sometimes we get stuck and need a little expert guidance.

We need to make a difficult decision and we need some expet guidance. People want to feel that a salesperson has their best interest at heart. They want to feel that the salesperson is trustworthy and cares about their best interests. This doesn’t happen by accident. As a salesperson, you have to be strategic and intentional. You have to be a person of integrity, be an expert in your field and care about the person you are serving.

Listen, Serve & Recommend

Your job is not to sell, your job is to listen, serve and recommend. The only way to really help someone make a difficult decision is to take the time to get to know them, understand what they are trying to achieve and the concerns they have. In order to do this, you have to ask strategic questions and then listen to what they say. As a business owner or salesperson, your job is to genuinely care about the person you are serving and want to help them make a good decision.

You need to know the outcome that the person is looking for and why they want it. Realize that the first answer they give might not be the real answer. We often have true motivation that is buried under layers of other people’s expectations. You have to keep digging to find out their true motivation. This will help them to understand what they really want and why. Remember business is about serving not selling.

Create a Win-Win Outcome

Often people get caught up in a ‘win-lose’ mentality. ‘If I buy, I lost and the salesperson won. If I can walk out without buying, then I win.’ I know that I have felt this way before. This is really about exercising your power and reserving the right to make your decision. If a salesperson does their job right, you will always make your own decision and it will be the best decision for you.

The truth is that I don’t want someone to buy my product or service if is isn’t a good fit for them. That isn’t good for anyone. It isn’t good for the customer because now they have a product they can’t use and it isn’t good for me either because I have a dissatisfied customer. The only way to create a win-win is for both parties to win. The customer has to make a good decision for themselves and the salesperson has to be of good service. The customer has to get more value than the price they paid and the business needs to get paid for the value they add. Business is about serving not selling

How to get started in your own business

Do you want to learn more about starting your ? Would you like to learn about setting up your own online business? How would it feel to find a way to add value to the marketplace and serve others in your own unique way? The best way to get started is to find a good mentor and training program. The best training that I have found so far is the Entre Blueprint. It will help you understand the best options available today and to discern what option might be the best for you. You can apply for the training below.

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Too many areas to focus on…

As an entrepreneur, you have many roles. In fact, if you are a solopreneur, you might wear all the hats. Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting, Finance, Operations, etc. So which aspect of your business is the most important to focus on? Each aspect of the business is important, but if you have limited resources and need to focus on one, what would you focus on? If you want to grow your business, focus on marketing.

It’s all about Traffic & Conversions

In the case of digital marketing, you will often hear people say, it’s all about traffic and conversions, which loosely translates to Marketing and Sales. All aspects of business are important, but in order to drive growth, you really need to increase sales. In order to increase sales, you really need to expand your marketing. Even with a really good closing percentage, you need more leads to get more sales and you need more leads to improve your closing percentage. Sounds like a good reason to focus on marketing to me.

Would you rather…?

If you owned a restaurant what would you rather have, the best food, the best ambience or the best marketing? I think most people would say, the best food. After all, who doesn’t love good food? But if you want to be successful, it’s not just about your product. You could have the best food and if nobody knows about your restaurant, it won’t matter. Think about how many restaurants, don’t have good food and are still successful. To be most successful, you need decent food, a good ambience and focus on marketing.

It’s especially important online

If you have an online business it’s even more obvious. How many bad products have you bought because of good marketing? Sometimes it seems like the worst products have the best marketing. How many great products have you found out about too late because they didn’t have good marketing? It seems like some of the best products are almost hard to find. You really have to search for them. They say the best marketing is through word of mouth and customer referrals. That is true. The most effective marketing comes from customers who love your business or product, honestly sharing with others how much they love your business or product. The problem is that usually only brings in a small percentage of your business. Most of your business will come through Marketing to new leads.

Don’t get me wrong

While it is important to focus on marketing to grow your business, we don’t want to choose bad products and try to sell them through good marketing. I wouldn’t waste my time marketing products or services that I don’t like or believe in. The point is that, if you want to increase your sales, you need good marketing. You also need to convert those leads, but you can’t get better at sales without good training and practice. The more leads coming in, the more you can hone your sales skills and optimize your conversion strategy.

Want to learn more?

Understanding digital marketing is critical to growing any business, especially an online business. You need to learn how to drive traffic to your product or offer and create conversion. If you would like to learn about business and marketing, check out the link below. This is the best training that I have found for online business training. You will get an overview of all the options available and a better understanding of the best path forward for you. Apply at the link below.

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Digital online marketing commerce sale concept. Woman using tablet payments online shopping and icon customer network connection on hologram virtual screen, m-banking and omni channel.


As a digital marketer, your number one job is to drive traffic. Well, really your number one job is to create conversions, but you need traffic to do that. Your goal is to get more more conversions to your offer. You can do that by getting more traffic and/or by increasing your conversion percentage. There are various ways to do this. Typically, you start by creating a campaign that brings traffic to your offer in a very strategic way using a funnel. A big part of your marketing campaign is creating digital marketing content around your offer. When your are creating this content, you should focus on the ‘What’ and the ‘Why’, not so much the ‘How’. Let me tell you why…


In school you probably had to memorize the questioning phrases starting with how, when, where, why, or to what extent. Of these types of questions, ‘why’ is the most important. That is why children ask it so much and parents get annoyed by it. ‘Why’ speaks to purpose and motivation. When your why is important enough, you can do anything. If your ‘why’ isn’t well defined, you will avoid even the most important tasks, like flossing your teeth, for example.

When you are speaking or writing to your audience about your offer, you should start with ‘why’. Why speaks to the benefits of the offer. Why does someone buy a drill? Is it because they want a drill? Maybe, but they probably need a hole. Does your customer want your product or do they want the benefit that your product can produce. Do they really want some more pills or do they want to lose weight? When you speak to the benefits of your product and what it offers your customers, you can help them understand ‘why’ they might need or want it.


What can be a very general category of your digital marketing content. It is a weight loss product, online course, the latest gadget, etc. Your customers will want to know what they are buying and your content should share that. When you are describing what your product is, it’s important to focus on the benefits, not the features. You might be very proud of the features that your product offers, but your customer cares more about the benefits. Focus on the benefits of the features. If your recommendation is for a drill with more power, you want your customer to understand that it has more power so that they can drill holes faster and easier so that they can save time and effort. Focus on how the feature benefits your customer.


How is often the least important topic, but it’s where we tend to focus first. You might want to lose weight or make more money and your first thought is, ‘how am I going to do it?’ For any result or goal, there are multiple ‘how’s. Your product or offer might be one of many options that your customer is considering. In your content, you want to focus on ‘what’ benefits your product offers and ‘why’ your customer needs your product. The ‘how’ is answered by the product or the offer. When your customer buys your product the question of ‘how’ will be answered in detail. You don’t need to give them that answer upfront. If they ask how it works, tell them it works really well and share testimonials. You should answer their question, but you don’t need to read them the manual.

But wait, there’s more…

If you would like to learn more about digital marketing content sign up for our email list. Digital marketing is one of the most valuable skills that you can learn. You can use it to market your own products or other people’s products. The best way to get started is to find a coach or mentor or sign up for some online training. The best course that I have found is the Entre Blueprint. You will learn about the various types of online business models, which ones are the best to pursue and what option might be the best for you. You can apply for the training at the link below.

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How can you create wealth and find fulfillment?

Utilize your most valuable resource to develop your most valuable asset. So what is your most valuable resource? What one resource do you have that is more valuable than anything else? It’s your time. Time is the most valuable resource we have. We only get so much of it, we don’t know have much we have left and there is no way to get more of it. The way you use your time might be the most important decision you make in life. So how can you best use your time? Use your time to develop your most valuable asset. Your most valuable asset is you. Follow your natural inclinations to the point of mastery to create wealth and find fulfillment in your life and work.

The best use of time

We often get so caught up in busy work that we focus on getting more done. We try to cram more into the time we have and multi-task to get more done. Using your time to develop your most valuable asset will create your most fulfilling life. The most valuable asset you can develop is yourself, your unique gifts and abilities. Using your time to follow your natural inclinations with deep focus will allow you to master your area of focus. When you develop your unique skills and abilities you can contribute to the world in the most powerful way possible. Getting more done feels good in the moment but isn’t fulfilling in the long term.

Slow down and do less

It’s so easy to get caught up in the idea that we have to hurry up and get somewhere. Often when we reach our destination, we realized that we missed out on so much along the way. Life is a journey, not a destination. Stop trying to get somewhere and focus on being where you are and being with whoever you are with. When you are considering your life’s work, take your time to follow a path that interests you, not just something that seems expedient. You want to get busy doing meaningful work, not busy work. You want to get to a point where the easy stuff is out of the way and you can focus on the struggle. Focus on the hard stuff that makes you scratch your head. Most people give up when they get to this point and move on to something else. This is where the real work begins.

Follow the path to Mastery

The book, ‘Mastery’ by Robert Greene lays out the path. Follow your natural inclinations and pursue things that interest you. Develop a deep focus on these areas and take your time to understand them. Find or create an apprenticeship, be a student and learn from a master. You might be able to find an apprenticeship program or you might have to piece one together for yourself. The important thing is to be like a sponge and soak up as much as you can from the masters you find, putting you ego aside.

You graduate from this apprenticeship phase when you enter the ‘active/creative’ phase of your work. In this phase you are doing the work that will lead to mastery. By embracing the struggle, getting curious and tackling hard problems, you learn to understand your area of focus better than most people ever will. By doing this consistently over a long period of time, you will eventually reach the level of mastery. The point where your brain is wired to solve problems and create solutions in your area of focus in ways that baffle others. This is what others perceive as genius.

A place to get started

If you want to increase your market value and find fulfillment in your work, pursue areas that interest you. Develop your knowledge, skills and abilities, find a mentor or training program. Set your ego aside, get curious and focus on learning and building your skills. Do your work with focus and intention, always working to improve incrementally. If you are interested in started an online business, consider taking the the Entre Blueprint training. This training will help give you clarity about the online business models available and help you discern the best option for you. You can apply at the link below.

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I’m not cool enough

When I first started marketing back in 2014, I had some limiting beliefs about marketing. I thought that good marketers were ‘the cool people’ who had an innate ability to understand what’s cool and what isn’t. Based on my fixed mindset, I thought that good marketers were born not made. I also thought that good marketing was more of an art than a science. What I have learned since then, is that Marketing is a skill that anyone can learn. To create effective Marketing you use a process similar to the scientific method. There is a process to develop and connect with your audience when marketing your online business. You develop a campaign using proven principles and optimized it through testing, before running it at full scale.

Direct Response Marketing

Direct Response Marketing is what allows us to gather data and apply the scientific method. We can track how many people see ads and take action. This allow us to see how effective our ads are and to make adjustments accordingly. I still remember one of the first ads I ever placed. It was actually a print ad for a store grand opening. I think it cost around $600. The ad was printed in something like 52,000 papers that had a good readership in the local area. I thought, wow if only 100 people clip the coupon and come in, that would be amazing. How were the results? As far as I could tell, no one ever saw the ad. Truthfully, there was no way for me to know if they did or didn’t, but I didn’t see any evidence. No on mentioned it, brought it in or called to ask questions. That is the problem with traditional marketing, it’s more expensive and you can’t easily track the results.

Working with the ‘Gurus’

When I first started working with experienced digital marketers, I was really surprised to hear how they talked about their campaigns. They didn’t talk about them with any sense of pride or arrogance. Their ads were very simple. They talked about the various aspects of the ads they had tested and what they were considering testing in the future, but he ads were converting well, so they didn’t need to be changed. They never said anything like, ‘I’ve been doing this for X number of years and I know what works and what doesn’t’. Instead, they focus on the results of the testing and don’t let their ego or personal preferences dictate the result, it was based on the data. They didn’t claim to have any special gifts, they learned by taking action, making mistakes and trying again with a different approach. This is the best approach for marketing your online business.

Getting started in digital marketing

One of the best skills you can learn is copywriting. There are lots of good books and courses on the subject. You should also learn about buying traffic and setting up follow up campaigns. If you are really serious about learning digital marketing, I suggest you find an online course to take. The best one that I have found is the Entre Blueprint. It lays out the various options for online business and will help you discern if it’s a good option for you. You can apply for the training at the link below.

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