Why Invest in Other People’s Dreams but Not in Your Own?

Are investing in someone else’s dream

When you invest in stocks, you are investing in someone else’s dream. Someone else had a dream and built a business. They decided to sell shares in their business. There is nothing wrong with investing in stocks and the dreams that other’s are building, it can be a great investment. But why not invest in yourself as well? Do you have a dream that you want to build? Is there some vision you have of a future that you can create and the person that you can become? Why not invest in yourself and to create that vision? Invest in your vision.

Are you building someone else’s dream?

Getting a job can be a great thing to do. You can learn skills, build your network, save money to invest, etc. It’s important to realize that when you work for someone else you are helping them to build their dream. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you can find someone with a dream bigger than your own that is aligned with your vision and values, then working for them can be a great thing to do. But not work work on building your dream as well?

Invest in yourself

I still remember the first course I bought that changed my thinking about investing in myself. I had already been running my own business for a few years. Things were going ok, but I knew that I needed something to help me break through to the next level. I wasn’t sure what to do, I had already read a lot of books and taken some courses. At a seminar that I was lucky enough to attend, the speaker was offering his course at a discount. He was actually really good and I knew the course would help me. I knew I needed something, but wasn’t prepared to make a decision that day. He was offering his course for $2,000. I agonized over that investment. I told myself he was charging too much. It wouldn’t be worth it, but I had to do something.

Build your dream

I bought the course and immediately had buyers remorse. Why did it cost so much? Would it really be worth it? Was I a sucker for buying it? I started the home study course the next week and was skeptical at first. I watched the first lesson and thought, duh, nothing earth shattering here. But as the course progressed, I slowly noticed that my thinking was starting to change. I was starting to see real value in what he was sharing. I also realized that when I told myself that the course wasn’t worth the investment, what I was really saying was that I wasn’t worth the investment.

You are worth it

It’s very important to save your money and invest it in a diversified portfolio, but realize that investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. When you improve your skills and mindset, it will pay dividends in every aspect of your life. When you level up your game, you become more valuable. You are worth the investment. Imagine if you owned a thoroughbred race horse. Would you let anybody train it and ride it or would you hire the best trainer and jockey you could find? Would you feed it cheap food or the best food you could afford? Why wouldn’t you get the best training and nourishment for yourself? You are worth the investment, invest in your vision.

How to invest in yourself

You can invest in yourself in a lot of different ways. The most fundamental way is to have faith in your own intuition an honor your inner voice. Follow your natural inclinations and allow yourself to explore areas that interest you even if you don’t fully understand the benefit of pursuing those areas.


One of the best things you can do is to read everyday. I struggled with reading for a long time because in school, I felt forced to read books that I didn’t want to read. It took me a long time to begin to enjoy reading. Once I understood the power of reading and found mentors who recommended good books, I began to devour books. Very talented and successful people share a lifetime’s worth of insights and learning in their books. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn.

Invest in courses and seminars

Once of the most powerful ways to invest in yourself is to learn from others. I used to try to figure out everything on my own and do it all myself. This is an immature approach to life. Life is a team sport. Other people have gone before us and spent their lives learning about things that we can benefit from. We can pay if forward when we share what we learn with others. The extra benefit of attending courses and seminars is that you can meet other people with similar interests and expand your network.

Find a coach or mentor

It took me a long time to appreciate the power of working with a coach or mentor. For a long time, I couldn’t find mentors or was afraid to ask for help. I wanted coaching, but I struggled with the cost of paying for coaching. Once I understood the power of coaching and investing in myself, I began to seek out coaches to help me learn, take action and get to the next level. I have worked with several coaches over the years and enjoy coaching others. Hiring a coach is a great way to invest in your vision.

Give yourself space to grow

It’s important to realize that you have incredible potential that needs to be developed. Your potential must be cultivated over time by challenging yourself, making mistakes and giving yourself time to grow. Learn to embrace the struggle and be patient with yourself. It’s natural to have a vision of what your capable of that if far beyond where you are now. That’s ok. Give yourself space to grow. Challenge yourself, pursue big scary goals and try to enjoy the journey.

A place to start

If you would like to invest in your vision and learn about starting your own business, check out the link below. The Entre Blueprint training is the best training that I have found for anyone who is looking to level up their game and get into online business. This introductory course is very valuable in and of itself. If you are interested in continuing on the path, you will find options to do that as well. Check out the link below to apply.

Apply Here

By Dan

Dan is a business owner and coach. He is passionate about health and fitness, personal development and helping others grow. He believes that life is about working toward becoming your best self and contributing to the lives of others in a positive way.
