How can you create wealth and find fulfillment?
Utilize your most valuable resource to develop your most valuable asset. So what is your most valuable resource? What one resource do you have that is more valuable than anything else? It’s your time. Time is the most valuable resource we have. We only get so much of it, we don’t know have much we have left and there is no way to get more of it. The way you use your time might be the most important decision you make in life. So how can you best use your time? Use your time to develop your most valuable asset. Your most valuable asset is you. Follow your natural inclinations to the point of mastery to create wealth and find fulfillment in your life and work.
The best use of time
We often get so caught up in busy work that we focus on getting more done. We try to cram more into the time we have and multi-task to get more done. Using your time to develop your most valuable asset will create your most fulfilling life. The most valuable asset you can develop is yourself, your unique gifts and abilities. Using your time to follow your natural inclinations with deep focus will allow you to master your area of focus. When you develop your unique skills and abilities you can contribute to the world in the most powerful way possible. Getting more done feels good in the moment but isn’t fulfilling in the long term.
Slow down and do less
It’s so easy to get caught up in the idea that we have to hurry up and get somewhere. Often when we reach our destination, we realized that we missed out on so much along the way. Life is a journey, not a destination. Stop trying to get somewhere and focus on being where you are and being with whoever you are with. When you are considering your life’s work, take your time to follow a path that interests you, not just something that seems expedient. You want to get busy doing meaningful work, not busy work. You want to get to a point where the easy stuff is out of the way and you can focus on the struggle. Focus on the hard stuff that makes you scratch your head. Most people give up when they get to this point and move on to something else. This is where the real work begins.
Follow the path to Mastery
The book, ‘Mastery’ by Robert Greene lays out the path. Follow your natural inclinations and pursue things that interest you. Develop a deep focus on these areas and take your time to understand them. Find or create an apprenticeship, be a student and learn from a master. You might be able to find an apprenticeship program or you might have to piece one together for yourself. The important thing is to be like a sponge and soak up as much as you can from the masters you find, putting you ego aside.
You graduate from this apprenticeship phase when you enter the ‘active/creative’ phase of your work. In this phase you are doing the work that will lead to mastery. By embracing the struggle, getting curious and tackling hard problems, you learn to understand your area of focus better than most people ever will. By doing this consistently over a long period of time, you will eventually reach the level of mastery. The point where your brain is wired to solve problems and create solutions in your area of focus in ways that baffle others. This is what others perceive as genius.
A place to get started
If you want to increase your market value and find fulfillment in your work, pursue areas that interest you. Develop your knowledge, skills and abilities, find a mentor or training program. Set your ego aside, get curious and focus on learning and building your skills. Do your work with focus and intention, always working to improve incrementally. If you are interested in started an online business, consider taking the the Entre Blueprint training. This training will help give you clarity about the online business models available and help you discern the best option for you. You can apply at the link below.