Do you have big dreams? Are you ready to take action?
With more and more people working from home, online business is more popular than ever. The good news is that it’s never been easier to start and online business. With all the time and money that consumers are spending online, there is no shortage of opportunities. But how do you know if your business will be successful? Let’s examine what you can to to improve you chances of success. Success in any area comes down to a few key factors. Learn how you can be the main determinant of whether your online business will succeed.
Do you have a powerful ‘Why’?
When we start any goal we often focus on the ‘How’. If you are trying to lose weight, you might thing to yourself, ‘how am I going to do it?’ You might come up with 5 different ways and give each of them a try, but not stick with any of them long enough to reach your goal. You get discouraged and say, ‘I’ve tried everything, it just won’t work’. People do the same thing with many goals. You have to get clear about your ‘Why’. Why do you want to start a business? Do you want to make more money? More time freedom? Do you want to have a greater impact? You have to dig beneath the surface and find the deep emotional reasons that will drive you to succeed by not giving up.
Are you using a proven business model?
It is possible to be a pioneer and start a type of business that has never existed, but you increase your chances of success if you follow a proven business model. Find a business model that other people have used to create success and implement that. Don’t get discouraged by people who say, ‘I tried that and it doesn’t work’. There are people with law degrees who are bankrupt. It doesn’t mean that a law degree is useless. Focus on people who have been successful and learn from them. If you follow a proven business model, it will help ensure that your online business will succeed.
How are you showing up?
Life is full of mediocrity. It’s often what most people settle for in many areas of life. You just need to find one area of life to not be mediocre in. Choose one area that is important to you and give it all you’ve got. Put in the extra time and effort to be outstanding. If you are excellent that is a great start, but if you can stand out among the excellent, you will be at the top of your class. This comes from taking the time to really master your craft. To get curious about the things that most people struggle with and try to really understand them on a deep level.
Are you giving to others?
Many people self-sabotage because they feel that they don’t deserve success. Try to look at it another way. If you serve enough people and provide massive value to them. Some value will flow back to you. It’s not about deserving great things, it’s about serving greatly. All business comes down to providing service to others. When you serve others and give them more ‘value’ than what they are paying. They will be a happy customer. If you are able to keep your costs to provide the service lower than the cost to produce it, you can create a win-win. Your customer wins by getting great value at a good price. You win by providing great service and earning a profit.
Have you created the ‘space’ to succeed?
We often get visions of ourselves as being greater than we are and having a big impact in the world. I believe these visions are there to guide us. Though, it’s easy to feel intimated and think that maybe we dreamed too big. Give yourself the mental space to grow. Realize that your dreams should be bigger than you are and that you need to grow into them. Give yourself the emotional space. Realize that starting a business can be exhilarating and terrifying. You may need to expand your emotional bandwidth to handle the range of emotions. Have faith in yourself and let that carry you through. Create a physical space for yourself that is free of distraction. Realize that you may need to create space from some people in your life who might emotionally sabotage you.
Are you consistent
The key to success in any area is consistency. If you keep taking small actions day by day, you will keep getting closer to your goal. It’s like taking a long journey. You can spend all the time researching and planning that you want, but you won’t make progress until you step outside and take your first step. Just keep taking small steps to bring you closer to your goal. Consistency is key to getting any result. If you want to learn guitar, just practice a little everyday. If you want to get fit, you just need to make small changes and consistently apply them. The same is true in ensuring that your online business will succeed. Identify the key actions you need to take and habitually take them.
Don’t make this one mistake
There is really only one way to fail and that is to give up. If you tried something that didn’t work, you didn’t fail. You only fail when you stop trying. Everything successful endeavor is outlined by options that didn’t work. People don’t succeed despite making mistakes. They succeed because they made so many mistakes and didn’t give up. Mistakes are a key component to success. You’ve got to make a lot of mistakes if you want to succeed, so start making them. One of the biggest things that holds people back is the fear of making mistakes. That keeps you from taking action. Taking action is the key to getting the result. The mistakes give you the feedback you need to adjust your approach and try again. Your online business will succeed if you are willing to make more mistakes.
Find a good training program
The best way to ensure your success is to find a good training program. Find other people who are doing what you want to do and learn from them. Starting a business can be hard. It’s even harder if you don’t have other people to encourage you and push your forward. The best training that I have found is from the Entre Institute. You can start with their Blueprint training just to see if it might be a good fit for you.