Where to Focus in Your Business? Marketing Always Wins

Too many areas to focus on…

As an entrepreneur, you have many roles. In fact, if you are a solopreneur, you might wear all the hats. Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting, Finance, Operations, etc. So which aspect of your business is the most important to focus on? Each aspect of the business is important, but if you have limited resources and need to focus on one, what would you focus on? If you want to grow your business, focus on marketing.

It’s all about Traffic & Conversions

In the case of digital marketing, you will often hear people say, it’s all about traffic and conversions, which loosely translates to Marketing and Sales. All aspects of business are important, but in order to drive growth, you really need to increase sales. In order to increase sales, you really need to expand your marketing. Even with a really good closing percentage, you need more leads to get more sales and you need more leads to improve your closing percentage. Sounds like a good reason to focus on marketing to me.

Would you rather…?

If you owned a restaurant what would you rather have, the best food, the best ambience or the best marketing? I think most people would say, the best food. After all, who doesn’t love good food? But if you want to be successful, it’s not just about your product. You could have the best food and if nobody knows about your restaurant, it won’t matter. Think about how many restaurants, don’t have good food and are still successful. To be most successful, you need decent food, a good ambience and focus on marketing.

It’s especially important online

If you have an online business it’s even more obvious. How many bad products have you bought because of good marketing? Sometimes it seems like the worst products have the best marketing. How many great products have you found out about too late because they didn’t have good marketing? It seems like some of the best products are almost hard to find. You really have to search for them. They say the best marketing is through word of mouth and customer referrals. That is true. The most effective marketing comes from customers who love your business or product, honestly sharing with others how much they love your business or product. The problem is that usually only brings in a small percentage of your business. Most of your business will come through Marketing to new leads.

Don’t get me wrong

While it is important to focus on marketing to grow your business, we don’t want to choose bad products and try to sell them through good marketing. I wouldn’t waste my time marketing products or services that I don’t like or believe in. The point is that, if you want to increase your sales, you need good marketing. You also need to convert those leads, but you can’t get better at sales without good training and practice. The more leads coming in, the more you can hone your sales skills and optimize your conversion strategy.

Want to learn more?

Understanding digital marketing is critical to growing any business, especially an online business. You need to learn how to drive traffic to your product or offer and create conversion. If you would like to learn about business and marketing, check out the link below. This is the best training that I have found for online business training. You will get an overview of all the options available and a better understanding of the best path forward for you. Apply at the link below.

Apply Here

By Dan

Dan is a business owner and coach. He is passionate about health and fitness, personal development and helping others grow. He believes that life is about working toward becoming your best self and contributing to the lives of others in a positive way.
