Do humans have instincts?
We are all familiar with instincts in the natural world, birds fly south for the winter, bears hibernate, salmon swim upstream to return to their birthplace and spawn. These instincts allow species not only to survive but to thrive and contribute to the larger ecosystem. But how does it all work and do humans have instincts? I believe that we are guided. You may call it instincts or intuition or something else entirely. We have an internal sense of what we need to do. The path to what we desire most begins to unfold once we learn to quiet the voices of fear and self doubt in our own heads. I call this inner guide the Wealth Instinct.
Do you trust your instincts?
Do you ever get that feeling that you are meant for more, that you have something unique to contribute and that you can have an awesome life? Maybe you get visions of what your life could be like if you had the courage to pursue your dreams? I believe that we all have these visions and that they are natural instincts. We have instincts that can guide us to to create wealth and improve our lives and the lives of those in our community.
Our brains have a natural ability to process the resources that our available along with our unique talents and what is most needed in our community and create visions of how we can create wealth and improve our lives and the lives of those in our community. What if you could live courageously and follow to the Wealth Instinct to what you desire most?
Aren’t they just fantasies?
It’s easy to write these off as delusion or fantasies, but what if there is more to it? I believe that everything in nature exists for a purpose including you and your visions of the life you could have. These visions exist to guide you to a better future, not just for you, but for your family and your community as well. They can inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and into a larger world.
I believe that you wouldn’t have these visions if you didn’t also possess the capability to achieve more. You have an incredible amount of untapped potential. Stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself up against new challenges is what allows you to grow and tap into your potential. What if you could live courageously and follow the Wealth Instinct to what you desire most?
What holds us back?
Our brains are good at discerning insights into what our lives could be like in the best case but there are also very good at imagining everything that could go wrong. Have you ever done this; you get a brilliant insight into a new product, idea or innovation and just as you begin to revel in your brilliance, your brain starts coming up with everything that could go wrong? It’s like clockwork as soon as you think of what could go right, you get smacked upside the head with visions of everything that could go wrong.
I believe that this is a natural survival instinct. Our brains try to predict everything that could go wrong to help improve our ability to survive. The problem is that we have a tendency to focus more on what could go wrong, ‘threats’ than on what could go right, ‘opportunities’ because from an evolutionary perspective a missed opportunity means that you don’t eat, a missed threat means that you get eaten. The ability to envision every threat helps to improve our ability to survive but it limits our ability to thrive. Focusing on everything that could go wrong can leave us paralyzed by fear and feeling stuck.
So what do we do?
Feeling stuck and paralyzed by fear is no way to live, but can we just pursue our dreams and magically get everything we want? Like everything in life, it takes a balance of following your heart and using your head. You also have to distinguish between real and imagined threats. It’s important to take real threats seriously but most of our fears are imagined threats, I believe it’s important to live courageously. It takes incredible courage to pursue your dreams knowing full well everything that could go wrong. We all have to decide for ourselves, but to me there is no other way to live.
It’s important to do some dream building. Think about what you want your life to be like 10 or 20 years from now. Imagine it in vivid detail and then start to work your way back to the present. What do you see for yourself in 5 years, 3 years, 1 year. What does your ideal day look like? Imagine it all in vivid detail. As you get down to the range of the next year or so, it’s much easier to make concrete plans. What can you do each day to bring you closer to the life you want?
Realize that some things you feel called to pursue make not make sense logically. That’s ok.The world is much bigger and more complex that we can fully understand. Looking back, it’s easy to see the connections, but they aren’t so easy to see looking forward. You have to be willing to have a little faith and take some risks. It wouldn’t be an adventure if you knew exactly what would happen 🙂