People don’t listen
Can you relate to this… You really want to help people and you give great advice, but… People don’t listen!! One of my main goals in life is to help people grow. I’ve learned that people don’t want to be told ‘how’ to grow. And to be honest, I don’t blame them. It took me a long time to learn to be ‘coachable’. In fact, I had already been working as a coach for some time before I learned how to be ‘coachable’. I still struggle with it. You might know exactly what someone else needs to do in order to get the result they are after. The truth is that telling them the answer doesn’t always help them. People often let their ego plug up their ears. It doesn’t matter how much sense you make, they won’t listen.
They won’t believe you
Even if they do listen, they probably won’t believe you. If you want to help others grow, you have to let them discover the answers to their problems. You can give them the most valuable advice and they will be skeptical. The truth is that people want to learn things the hard way or at least through some of their own effort. You have to let people discover the answers to their problems. If you just give them the answer they either won’t listen, won’t believe you or won’t take the action.
People don’t want to be told ‘how’ to grow
The truth is that we all need to grow throughout life, but nobody wants to be told how to grow. Can you blame them? We want to be free to make our choices and grow naturally. Think about it this way, if you were trying to help a plant grow would you tell it how to grow or would you just give it what it needs to grow? You give it what it needs. You would make sure that it gets a balance of sunlight and shade, plenty of water and good soil.
Give them what they need
If you want to help someone grow, you just have to provide the things they need to grow. So what do people need? The same things that plants need: sunlight, good soil, water, some space, etc.
We often get in the habit of pointing out others mistakes, but it’s much more effective to point out all the things they are doing right. Try sprinkling some genuine compliments on someone and watch them grow.
The sun provides energy that plants needs to grow. Energy is what drives all living things. By shining your light on others, you give them warm energy to help them grow.
Good Soil
Good soil helps plants to grow, but what makes the best soil? Compost, which is basically broken down plant material. Share the mistakes you’ve made with others and let them learn your from your experience.
Just like plants, people need a little space to grow. If you crowd them, it will stifle their growth. People need space to make their own decisions, think things through and make their own mistakes.
A Place to Grow
I want to let you know that I believe in your potential. Even though we have never met, I know that you have a lot to offer and are capable of great things. I am honored that you have read this article this far, it tells me that you are open minded and serious about your growth. The truth is that I struggled for a long time with my head in the clouds, but never took any action. I let so much time slip away without making any progress on my goals. Fear kept me from moving forward. I was afraid of making mistakes or becoming a failure. Now I know that mistakes are the only way to learn. The only way to fail is to give up. I want to share something with you. I don’t know if it’s right for you, but the Entre Blueprint training really helped me to finally take massive action and begin to make progress on my goals. If you are ready, you can apply below.