The most powerful influence in our lives
What if the best way to change the quality of your life is to just find people who are living the lifestyle you want to live and spend more time around them? Instead of trying to figure out everything on your own and get ‘motivated’, just hang out with people who are really cool and really good at what you want to be good at. Sounds simple, right? The most powerful influence in our lives is the people we surround ourselves with. You should join a mastermind group to help you reach your goals faster.
We tend to be attracted to people who are like us and then we tend to become more like them. Our group influences our behavior and results. We tend to do the things they do, eat the things they eat and even think the way they think. We tend to have similar hobbies, similar jobs, levels of income, etc. The problem is that often we aren’t consciously choosing the people we spend the most time with. You can’t replace your family and friends but you can join a mastermind group.
Find people you want to be like and be around them more
If you want to improve your life and start or grow a business, you need to be around other entrepreneurs. Associate with people who are doing whatever it is that you want to do. Before I owned a business, I didn’t know any business owners. It was hard for me to see myself as a business owner because I didn’t have role models. I didn’t have people that I could reach out to with questions.
Once I opened my first business, suddenly I was getting to know lots of other business owners. These other business owners became a valuable resource for me. They had experience in areas that I had questions in. I was able to get very real, practical input from people who were in a similar situation to mine. If I had decided to join a mastermind group to be around other business owners before I owned a business, I think it would have helped me to start a business sooner. It could also have helped me avoid costly mistakes/learning opportunities.
Would you rather win or learn?
If you play a sport, do you want to be the best one on the field, so it’s easy for you to win? It feels good to win, but what’s the point if you’re not really improving your own game? Do you want to play with people at your level? So you win sometimes, you lose sometimes, but it’s always a great game? Or do you want to be playing with people who are at a higher level than you?
When you play with people who are much better than you, you won’t win many games. However, you are constantly getting better because the environment and the people around you are challenging you to grow? There is no right or wrong answer, it depends on where you are in your journey. It depends on what you are trying to do. If your goal is to play at a higher level, you need to around people that are playing at a higher level than you. This is why is so critical to join a mastermind group.
What if there was a place you could go to hang out with really cool people who like the things you like and are good at the things that you want to be good at? That’s basically what a Mastermind Group is all about. A place where you can geek out about whatever it is that you are into. The others in the group can give you tips, advice, leads, resources, etc to help you get better at it. The easiest thing is to join a group, but if you can’t find one, you might consider starting one. This is a big reason why people go to seminars. They want to find other people who are motivated and looking to play at a higher level.
Free Mastermind Groups
There are a lot of free groups out there can be a fantastic resource for beginners. When you are new, almost everyone can teach you something. As you learn and grow, you will be able to share your knowledge with the new people in the group. Over time you may find that you have become the expert. You may need to search harder and harder to find others that are playing at a higher level. This is why people with a lot of experience often join groups that are more exclusive.
Mastermind groups that are paid or part of a coaching program
One of the best ways to find a group is to find a coach. Most coaches do a combination of group and private training. It becomes a guided mastermind group. You get the benefit of one on one or group coaching and you can also leverage the expertise of the group. There may be various options to fit your needs and budget.
There are some groups that cost several thousand dollars to join. You may have heard of Mastermind groups that cost $5,000 or $25,000 or much more to join. It may sound crazy, but people pay to be in these groups. It comes down to what you are looking for. People who are playing at a high level will eagerly invest several thousands dollars to put themselves in an environment that will help them grow and scale their business by orders of magnitude.
Where to start
Once you have some idea of what you want to do, seek out others who are already doing it. Subscribe to their content and learn about their story and what they are offering. When you find someone whose message resonates with you, consider signing up for one of their courses, buying their book or joining a webinar. My best recommendation right now is the group founded by Jeff Lerner, the Entre Institute. Jeff has put together a blueprint to help you get a full picture of the opportunities available today. He has gathered experts and resources to help you on your journey. You can tap the link below to learn more.