Forget about Willpower and Motivation
One of the ideas that I have come to believe is that willpower just doesn’t work. Studies have shown this to be true. Your willpower actually becomes weaker the more you are exposed to temptation. Motivation doesn’t work either. After talking with so many people and hearing them say they don’t have the motivation it seems obvious to me. You have to develop your why power in order to make meaningful change in your life.
Motivation is like lighting a match. It flares quickly and brilliantly, but also burns out very quickly. You have to learn how to use motivation the way you would use a match, just to get things started, to get yourself moving in the right direction and create some momentum. Motivation is just a spark, it won’t keep you going long term, you need to have a powerful reason for doing what you do. You have to develop your why power.
You need to develop your ‘Why’
‘Why’ is the most important question. We often get caught up in the what and the how. Those are important questions as well, but ultimately you must have a powerful enough ‘why’ to keep you going when you don’t feel like doing what you need to do. The internet is full of money making opportunities, but it has to be about more than money or there really isn’t any point. Money is just a tool. What are you going to use it for? You have to develop you why power in order to be able to follow through and stay the course.
Is it going to make you feel important if you have a lot of it? It is going to allow you to have experiences that aren’t available to you now? Is it going to allow you to serve others at a higher level? Keep writing down your reasons until you find powerful reasons that are very meaningful to you. The older I get, the less money matters to me. What matters to me now is just trying to be the best I can be and to help others be their best.
The Myth of the Hero
Several years ago, I was very well informed about the state of the country and the world and all the problems we face. I watched a lot of documentaries, listened to the news, and read about current events. I remember thinking what are the biggest challenges we face and how can we address them? If I were president, what would I do? I remember noticing how for four years, we put our hope in a new leader only to be disappointed again. The problem isn’t our leaders, it’s that we expect them to do it all. We have what I call the Mythology of the Hero. We think that some great leader will come along and show us the way. Maybe the next president, business icon, spiritual leader or celebrity will guide us to a brighter future.
What if you are the Hero we’ve been waiting for?
I think that the truth is that we all have a role to play. A role that is uniquely our own. Our purpose in being here is to develop our unique gifts, grow and contribute. That is what is missing. We need to have more people in the world who are connected to their purpose, developing their unique skills and sharing them with the world. That was when I started really focusing on improving myself. I started investing time and money in personal development and coaching and making it my mission to improve myself so I could better support other people who want to improve themselves. When you develop your why power, you become a powerful force for change.
I decided that it was my job to learn everything I could about personal development and business and share it with everyone I met. We are all on this journey together, there are people ahead of us in some areas and people behind us in others. We need to learn from those who have gone before us and help those who come after us. If you are struggling with something, chances are someone else did too, you can learn from their experience. Your greatest struggle can become your greatest gift when you share your journey and growth experience with others.
Your greatest struggle can be a light for others to follow
What has been your biggest struggle? Who could benefit from your story and the lessons you’ve learned? I realized years ago that my health was holding me back. In my late twenties, I dealt with chronic fatigue, brain fog, depression, etc. It’s hard to work on your goals when you feel lethargic, exhausted and can’t focus everyday by 6pm. Overcoming that made me obsessed with health and nutrition. It’s what got me started on my personal development journey and wanting to help others.
I realized that I was going through life like a zombie. How many other people were struggling in a similar way? How could my experience help them? I came to believe that maybe the world isn’t working as well as it could because too many of us are suffering. Some people in physical ways, others in emotional or spiritual ways. What if the world isn’t working better because you aren’t fully empowered to develop, share and express your gifts? If you’re not physically healthy, it’s really hard to show up in life as your best self. When you have energy and vitality, every area of your life gets better and you can really get to work on developing and sharing your unique gifts and perspective.
My mission
My goal now is to become the best version of myself by continually trying to maintain and improve my physical health, the health of my relationships and become more focused and productive professionally. I am sharing this to hold myself more accountable and share things that may benefit others as well. My ‘why’ is that I want to make the world a better place by improving myself and helping others to become better versions of themselves.
I am here to share opportunities, resources and inspirational messages that I believe will help others to create the life they desire and improve their world. My goal is to empower people to improve their lives and their world through business and personal development. I envision a world where anyone can create the life they desire and make a meaningful contribution. If you would like to learn more about how you can develop your why power and level up your life, check out the link below.
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