Do you have a love/hate relationship with money?
You say you want more of it, but on a deeper level you might have negative associations to it? The net effect is that you are seeking it with one hand and pushing it away with the other. You want more of it, but you believe that it is bad or that it will corrupt you, so you unconsciously avoid having more of it. This love/hate relationship could be holding you back from making more money and reaching your financial goals.
Conflicting beliefs
Conflicting beliefs about money are very common. This internal conflict causes us to sabotage our goals in order to avoid an identity crisis. Consider this example. You want to be wealthy, have nice things, be able to travel, etc. but deep down you believe that rich people are bad. There is a battle between making more money and wanting to be a good person. If the good person wins, you will be poor and if the person who wants wealth wins, then you will be a bad person. These conflicting beliefs must be resolved in order to reach your financial goals and maintain your values.
The root of all evil doesn’t grow on trees
You may have grown up hearing that ‘money is the root of all evil’. You’re not evil and you don’t want to be a bad person, so you unconsciously sabotage your own efforts to build wealth so that you can continue to be a good person. Can you relate to this? You might be doing this without even realizing it. Often we accept the things that we are told repeatedly by our parents when we are young without really questioning or understanding them. You may also have heard that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘we can’t afford it’. Theses beliefs can stop you from even trying to create wealth because of your unquestioned belief that making more money is very difficult or impossible.
Because I said so…
Our parents are good people, they love us and want what is best for us. They wouldn’t lie to us, but they do program us with their own belief systems. We unconsciously accept this idea that money is bad and wealthy people are bad. Then we find examples in real life that support that belief. We see wealthy/powerful people on the news who have committed crimes and it reinforces the belief that people with money are bad. We also see wealthy people who are trying to do good and we question their motives. ‘They are donating money to help others, but what’s in it for them? They must have an ulterior motive…’
Looking for evidence to support our beliefs
We look for examples to reinforce our beliefs, it shapes our view of reality and blocks our success. The truth is that money isn’t good or evil. It just is. You can use it to do good in the world, to take care of your family and help others. The more money you have, the more good you can do. Making more money won’t make you a bad person as long as you stay true to your values. Some people allow their greed for money to consume them, but it’s the greed, not the money that is bad. And people who are consumed by greed are probably dealing with deep insecurities and a belief system that they must have money in order to have value.
A force for good
If you want to do a lot of good in the world, to provide for your family and create a lasting legacy, you will have to acquire wealth. In order to acquire wealth, you may have to let go of some limiting beliefs. Take some time to think about your beliefs about money. What limiting beliefs do you have about money? Are they really true? Can you come up with new beliefs about money that will help you reach your goals? How can you align your beliefs so that making more money becomes a way for you to do more good in the world?
Other Resources
If you are looking to improve your quality of life and learn about building wealth and creating your legacy, check out Jeff Lerner’s video below and join the Entre Nation. Jeff shares an opportunity for you to learn more about how he was able to build wealth and how you can do it too.
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