How did you end up doing what you do for a living?
As we mature, we are confronted with this issue of looking for new ways to make money. You might start off mowing your neighbor’s lawn or babysitting their kids. That is great for awhile, you have some extra cash for things you want. Later, you might get a job at a fast food place or retail store. Now you’re making more money and you’ve got perks, employee discounts, all you can eat fries! As you get older, you might feel pressured to go to school or get a ‘real’ job.
You might find a good paying job in construction or in an office. Then you might jump around to a couple a similar jobs before you get ‘comfortable’. In other words, you generally like the people you work with, you make ‘enough’ money so you stop looking for new ways to make money. That’s it, you stopped looking, you figured out how to make money and it was in that last place you looked.
The Secret is, don’t stop looking
I remember one time as a kid looking all over the house for something that I had lost. My dad decided to ‘help’ me. He said, ‘I know where you will find it’. I took the bait and excitedly exclaimed, ‘where?’ He said, ‘it’s always in the last place you look…so just look there first’. Now, I was a little slow on the uptake. I didn’t realize he was messing around with me, and I thought, ‘where is the last place I would look?’
I had been searching and searching in the same few spots and his question actually helped me. It got me to think differently and look in new places so I eventually found what I had lost. Later on, my brother pointed out to me that it’s always in the last place you look because after you find it, you stop looking. When it comes to finding ways to make money, the secret is, don’t stop looking.
Where to look if you decide to keep looking
There are so many opportunities out there today if you are looking for new ways to make money. It’s important to consider several options. Find some way to evaluate them and pick the best one for you and your situation. The best thing you can do is to find a mentor. Find someone who is doing whatever it is you are trying to do or more importantly getting the result you are trying to get and learn from them.
There is no shortage of ‘gurus’ online today and many of them are very sincere and want to help as many people as they can. Find a few of them to follow and learn what they are all about. Most of them will tell you their story, exactly what they did. They usually have some courses, training or coaching available if you want to go deeper. You can get quite a bit of free advice and information. When you find someone you like and what they say seems to make sense, consider investing in one of their programs.
I started this process myself and found several successful people who I liked. People who were very sincere and had the gotten the results that I wanted. It can quickly get overwhelming if you try to follow too many of them. It helps to focus on one and learn everything you can. Over the years, I have learned from several experts. The one that I recommend the most right now is Jeff Lerner. You can learn more about him in the video below.