Your Campaign
Affiliate Marketing is a straight forward idea. You share products or services with others and earn a commission. It’s like getting a referral incentive for telling people about a product you love. In order to make it a viable business, you will want to set up at least one Campaign. At the most basic level, your campaign will consist of an ad, an funnel, an offer and a follow up sequence. Keep reading to learn about setting up your affiliate marketing campaign.
Your Ad
In order to get your offer in front of as many people as possible, you will want to create an ad and pay for that ad to be seen consistently by your target audience. There are a lot of places that you can run your ad. You could use Google, Microsoft Ads, Facebook ads, Solo ads, etc. The important thing is to create an ad and test it before you start spending a lot of money on it. Once you find an ad that works, you will still want to do some testing to see if you can improve your results. Your ad should focus on the benefits of the product or service. Help people understand why they would want your product or service.
Your Opti-in Funnel
A Funnel is basically a series of pages that each has a singular purpose. The Funnel is designed to move people step by step through the buying process. It’s a critical piece of your affiliate marketing campaign. When people click on your ad, they will be taken to a page where they can enter their name and email address. Once they enter their info, they will be taken to a page with information about the offer.
Your Offer
The Offer you choose to promote will in some way be the focus of your campaign. The benefits that your ad describes should speak to the benefits of the offer. The offer should be one which has a higher life time customer value than the cost to acquire a new customer. You may get some buyers on the front end, but the goal of your your campaign is to just break even on the front end. When you set it up correctly, you will make money long term as you follow up with your customers.
Your Follow Up
They say the fortune is in the follow up. The goal of the campaign is to have a long term customer value that is higher than the cost to acquire a new customer. Your Follow up will be critical to making this happen. When your customers opt-in to your follow up campaign, they will get a series of emails. This email series will help them understand the benefits of your offer and give them opportunities to purchase. The added benefit of collecting emails is that you can share other offers that might benefit your customers.
Optimizing your campaign
You will want to look at each aspect of your campaign and make sure that it is optimized to get consistent traffic and conversions. Is your ad affective? Does is get a good response rate? Is your ad consistent with your offer Have you split tested it? What is the cost per acquisition? Does your funnel work properly? Are you collecting emails? Is there a double opt-in that needs to be turned off? Does your Funnel link correctly to your offer and affiliate link? If your follow up campaign effective? What is the open rate and click through rate of your emails? How can you improve them?
Running your Campaign
Once your campaign is set up and optimized, you just need to run it. You will want to focus your effort on income producing activities. We can break these down into a few key areas. copywriting, funnel optimization, buying traffic and follow up. Copywriting is one of the most important activities that you need to do. You want to consistently work on and improve your ability to communicate with your customers. Optimizing your funnel is something that you will always want to improve on. If your can improve your conversion rates, you can lower your ad costs and increase your profit without spending more money. You will need to be consistently buying traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of your business. Follow up is something you should do daily. You spent all this time attracting your ideal customers. They want your help. Reach out to them and be of service.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcM9RJMZXmkHow to get started
If you are serious about getting started in Affiliate Marketing, I suggest that you get some training and possibly even hire a coach. The most important thing is to take action and do something, read a book, take a class, join a mastermind group. Try setting up your affiliate marketing campaign. Whatever it is take some action and keep moving forward. The link below will take you to the Entre Blueprint Training. It’s the best training that I have found for creating an online business. This training will help you understand the various options available and determine the best path forward for you. You can apply below.